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Kamala Harris declares abortion ‘in line with Christianity’



Kamala Harris is “a practicing Baptist.” The act of murdering an infant for convenience is antithetical to the Christian faith. Christianity recognizes the sanctity of life.

Deuteronomy 30:19 states: “I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both you and your children may live.”

Leftists are increasingly advancing the idea that truth is in the eye of the beholder, and there is no absolute truth. Take, for example, the Leftist advancement of gender indoctrination even of children, telling them that gender is a fluid concept. It is a fact that men do not give birth. It is also a fact that only men carry the Y chromosome, aside from chromosomal abnormalities. These are unalterable truths and realities which are scientifically proven.

To teach kids that men can give birth and there are more than two genders is harmful to children’s intellectual and psychological growth. They are being taught that it is acceptable to create their own truth.

The documentary ”What is a Woman?” is a worthwhile watch. It exposes the highly disturbing indoctrination of Western society away from reality (and from sanity). The idea that someone can create his or her own truth opens the door to lies, no matter how ridiculous or dark, being taken as reality. Without the concept of truth, the compete devaluing of humans is inevitable. How can one determine right from wrong, or truth from fantasy in the face of truth being presented as entirely subjective?

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association identifies psychosis as a break from reality. Even the World Health Organization accepts this. This leads us to the practical question of where this leaves medical professionals in their diagnosis of a person as psychotic. In the face of the gender identity activist arguments, proponents of the claim that “a man can give birth” are demonstrating a break  from reality. 

Abortion is widely claimed to be a right that a woman has to her own body, although to a confused Leftist, the pregnant woman may not be deemed a “woman” at all, and pro-abortionists do not consider the violence to the child’s body.

Harris “argued that she only wants to ensure women have a choice in the matter.” Yet Leftists also hide the fact that many women are isolated and pressured into an abortion against their own will. 

“Kamala Harris argues there is no conflict between abortion rights and religious faith,” by Keith Griffith Daily Mail, June 17, 2022:

Vice President Kamala Harris has argued that there is no conflict between religious faith and support for national protections for abortion, as the Supreme Court is poised to issue a major ruling that could curtail abortion rights.

Harris, a practicing Baptist from a multi-faith family background, told reporters on Friday that she had ‘convened faith leaders’ to discuss the abortion issue from a religious perspective.

‘For those of us of faith, I think that we agree, many of us, that there’s nothing about this issue that will require anyone to abandon their faith, or change their faith,’ she said, referring to abortion.

‘It’s simply saying that the government should not have the ability to decide what an individual does with her own body — let her make that decision with her pastor or her rabbi, or whoever she consults,’ added Harris. ‘But it should not be the government making that decision.’

Harris, whose mother was a Hindu immigrant from India, was raised attending a Baptist church in Oakland, California.

She has said in interviews that she still regularly attends church and professes a Christian faith. Her husband Doug Emhoff is Jewish, making him the first Jewish spouse of a vice president.

Many anti-abortion activists do cite their religious faith in opposing the termination of pregnancies. The Catholic Church, for example, classifies abortion as a grave sin, holding that human life begins at conception and must be respected….

