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University of Kansas Tackles the Great Problem of Our Age, Offers ‘Angry White Male Studies’



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If you or your child or your favorite nephew/niece (that last one is often the same person nowadays) are lucky enough to be enrolled in the University of Kansas (KU) this fall, be sure to register for a course that promises to plumb the depths of one of the most disturbing phenomena on the contemporary landscape: “Angry White Male Studies.” Yes, it’s real.

If you have surveyed the contemporary scene, with its skyrocketing inflation, fictional Southern border, gas prices that more than doubled and then went down a few cents, enabling Old Joe Biden and his cronies to crow about the tremendous job they’re doing, the massively expanded and weaponized IRS, and the politicized and corrupt FBI, you might reasonably conclude that the biggest problem is nation faces today is white males such as Biden and his henchmen, who are clearly angry with the American people and want them to suffer. But those angry white males are not, needless to say, the ones this KU course is all about.

“This course,” says the KU course description, “charts the rise of the ‘angry white male’ in America and Britain since the 1950s, exploring the deeper sources of this emotional state while evaluating recent manifestations of male anger. Employing interdisciplinary perspectives this course examines how both dominant and subordinate masculinities are represented and experienced in cultures undergoing periods of rapid change connected to modernity as well as to rights-based movements of women, people of color, homosexuals and trans individuals.” Underneath the academic gobbledegook (“dominant and subordinate masculinities”), the agenda of this course is clear: it’s going to be all about how white men, depicted in the course as conservative, Trump-supporting, racist, redneck, uneducated yahoos, are bewildered and angered by the changes in America over the last few years and are lashing out at the classic protected victim classes, “women, people of color, homosexuals and trans individuals.”

According to a Sunday report in the Toronto Sun, “the course will be taught by Christopher Forth, who is a professor of history, serving in the departments of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and American Studies.” Forth is, lo and behold, a white male, but we can be sure that he isn’t angry, no, not one bit, and why should he be? He is a Professor of History and the Dean’s Professor of Humanities at KU, he is a member of the enlightened academic elite, and he holds all the Correct Opinions. What on earth could he possibly have to be angry about?

There is more. Read the rest here.

