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UK schools don’t tell parents when kids ‘change gender,’ force classmates to accept gender swaps



Transgenderism is now deeply entrenched institutionally in Western countries, many times against the rights of children and their parents. The degree of its rapid advance is troubling.

How could such a violation of rights happen so quickly? Where were level-headed teachers in schools, not only in Britain but across the board? Perhaps they were bullied and intimidated into silence. Concerned parents, too, for that matter.

Transgender activism is being endorsed by woke governments all over the West, while defenseless children are left unprotected and vulnerable to abuse. While governments have placed restrictions on children driving, consuming alcohol, and to voting, woke governments are enabling children who say they identify as the opposite gender to be pumped full of hormones, while their bodies are being changed before they could ever understand the magnitude and implications of what is being done to them.

It is past due that Britain’s Department for Education halt this abusive practice. Ditto for other countries.

“English Schools Not Telling Parents If Kids Switch Gender, Require Other Kids to Accept Gender Swaps,” by Jack Montgomery, Breitbart, March 31, 2023:

Research suggests a majority of English schools are not reliably informing parents when children change gender, and are requiring other pupils to go along with supposedly trans classmates’ gender swaps.

Citing previous research that “found that one in four young people (18-20) identify as LGBT”, a report by Policy Exchange said it was likely that “many school leavers [were] exploring their identity at school” — and raised questions about “the appropriateness of current RSHE” — Religious and Sexual Health Education — “and the impact of this teaching on children’s beliefs about their own sex and gender.”

Using the Freedom of Information Act, the think tank asked a representative sample of 304 schools a range of questions regarding supposedly transgender pupils, including whether they inform parents of the gender their children are adopting at school, how gender transitions are facilitated with respect to, for example, single-sex sports, changing rooms, and toilet facilities, and how gender issues are taught in class.

Ninety-one schools did not respond and three refused to respond, compared to 154 which responded “either fully or in part” — with a further 56 special schools excluded from the data “on the basis that many of the issues raised are not applicable or relevant” to them.

Policy Exchange found that fully 62 per cent of schools were not reliably informing parents if their children were transitioning, with a further 10 per cent providing “insufficient detail” — and an even higher 69 per cent of schools required all pupils to “participate” in the social transition of transgender pupils.

Another 18 per cent provided “insufficient detail” as to whether or not accepting transgenderism was mandatory, with only 13 per cent claiming they did not require pupils to indulge their trans peers…..

