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The Disappearing Jews of Europe



In the last few decades, the countries of Europe have allowed into their midst tens of millions of Muslims. There are now 44 million Muslims in the Continent, some 6% of the population. Given that Muslims have much higher fertility rates than the indigenous Europeans, and that Muslim economic migrants continue to flow into Europe, the Muslim percentage of Europe’s population will inexorably increase. By 2050, Muslims may be 20% of Europe’s population. And by 2050, several studies suggest, there will be very few Jews left in Europe. More on this disturbing development can be found here: “Leon de Winter: ‘In 2048 the last Jews will leave Europe,’” by Giulio Meotti, Israel National News, February 3, 2023:

The Dutch writer and journalist Leon de Winter now predicts that “In 2048 the last Jews will leave Europe.”

“It’s over,” said the late Hebrew U. antisemitism expert Robert Wistrich. “It’s a slow death.” It is actually speeding up.

With the number of Jews plummeting from 3,000 to 600 in just a few years, the Swedish city of Malmö is the barometer of the slow demise of European Jews after the Holocaust,” wrote the late great Holocaust historian Robert Wistrich.

Muslims make up nearly 30% of the population of Malmö, making it the city with the highest percentage of Muslims in all of Europe. And while Malmö was once a Jewish center, Jews have been fleeing the city precisely because of the physical danger posed by Muslims.

He continued: “It is not for nothing that former European Commissioner Frits Bolkestein advised the Jewish community of Holland to emigrate to avoid harassment by young Muslim fanatics. The prospects in Belgium and Norway are no better. The verdict is on the wall, for anyone with eyes to see. The reward for Europe’s regrettable and cowardly appeasement of Islamism will, however, be short-lived. Because bowing down and willful blindness come at a high cost in the long run. Muslims will eventually take their revenge on a European society that the most fanatical among them already loathe.”

In the last 50 years the Jewish population in Europe has decreased by 60 percent and a similar decline is expected in the next 30 years, explained Eldad Beck in a dramatic article in Israel’s largest newspaper, Israel Hayom, while the Israeli government reveals that 52,000 European Holocaust survivors have gone to live in Israel in the last thirty years.

Wistrich, who headed the International Center for Anti-Semitism Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, said European Jewry still had 10 to 20 years to live. “It’s over,” Wistrich said. “It’s a slow death.”

In France there are cities, such as Grenoble, from which half of the Jewish community fled, while in Nice, which was home to the fourth largest Jewish community, Jews dropped from 20,000 to 5,000. In Lyon, as the chief rabbi recently said, “only the Jews remain who are too old or too poor to move.“. In Toulouse, a large part of the Jewish community arrived after the Islamic ethno-religious cleansing of North Africa in the 1960s and 1970s. What they fled followed them into the Midi-Pyrenees and now it’s time to leave again, as elsewhere in Europe. Hundreds of Jewish families left Toulouse and the president of the Jewish community, Arié Bensemhoun, advised young people to leave the city. Toulouse had up to 20,000 Jewish people. Today there are 10,000 left….

I don’t want to live in a country whose chancellor brings in millions of antisemitic Muslims who attack Jews and Jewish institutions in Germany,” wrote the chairman of the Jewish community in the German state of Brandenburg, Semyon Gorelick. “You can’t live in a country where you can’t wear a kippah on the street”.Most Jews in Germany today are Ukrainian, Russian or Israelis looking for work. And Jews are hiding in Bonn, Potsdam, Bochum and the rest of the country.

Angela Merkel made a fateful decision to allow one million Muslims into Germany in 2015, without considering the consequences, She knew nothing about Islam, about the hatred inculcated toward Unbelievers. She was in thrall to the notion that “diversity” was a Good Thing. Though the number of Muslim economic migrants – posing as asylum seekers — has been reduced since 2015, there are still several hundred thousand Muslims, legal and illegal, entering Germany every year. And the government still does not take the necessary measures, the way Denmark has done, by promptly expelling the illegal migrants, and requiring legal immigrants to work instead of being allowed to receive the cornucopia of benefits that the generous German welfare state offers.

Norway risks becoming a country without a Jewish population,” says an editorial in Aftenposten. According to the newspaper, 20 percent of the two largest communities (Oslo and Trondheim) have left. “Norway could be the first country in Europe to become jüdenfrei,” wrote journalist Julie Bindel. The synagogues of Oslo and Trondheim are the most protected buildings in all of Norway.

That the synagogues in Oslo and Trondheim are now the most protected buildings in Norway is a clear sign of the physical danger that Muslims pose to Jews. Having to live their lives in constant fear of attack – synagogues can be protected, but Jews also have to live their normal lives – certainly explains why 20% of Jews in Oslo and Trondheim have already left the country in recent years.

Denmark’s Jewish community has lost 25 percent of members in the past 15 years, chairman Finn Schwarz told the Jyllands-Posten newspaper.

Joël Rubinfeld, president of the Ligue belge contre l’antisémitisme, tells Paris Match that “there is a good chance, in twenty years, of ending up with a jüdenrein Belgium”….

Natan Sharansky, the former Soviet refusenik, said: “We are witnessing the beginning of the end of Jewish history in Europe.”

In “Submission” by Michel Houellebecq, we meet the character of Myriam, a university student. As an Islamist political party rises to power in France, a distraught Myriam says her parents have sold their house in Paris and are leaving for Tel Aviv. “They feel that something bad is coming.” Myriam is going with them during the summer holidays but she will be back. “I do not talk a word of Hebrew,” she says. “France is my home.” But she will never come back.

The reason for this is the fear and despair that many Jews now feel because of the inexorably increasing population of Muslims, who bring with them to Europe, undeclared in their mental baggage, a virulent form of antisemitism.

European multiculturalists who don’t care what happens to Jews in Islamized Europe will soon discover that it affects them too. What will Europe be like? “The Jews will have gone and the Muslims will have arrived” Dutch novelist Leon de Winter told me. “When Israel celebrates one hundred years in 2048, the last Jew will leave Europe. Everyone will be free to judge whether it will have been a loss or a gain.”

The demographic data is clear. There are now 44 million Muslims in Europe. Through both continued immigration and very high fertility rates, by 2050 there will be far more than 100 million Muslims. Meanwhile, everywhere in Europe the indigenous population’s fertility rates are below replacement level, which means there are fewer non-Muslims in Europe every year. The non-Jewish Europeans are on the same trajectory as the continent’s disappearing Jews, only at a much slower rate.

The tens of millions of Muslims now in Europe have had the following effect:

They have been responsible for draining the national welfare systems of money needed to attend to the needs of the indigenous poor. The Muslim economic migrants — who claim to be asylum seekers — manage to take advantage of every possible benefit the generous welfare states of Europe provide: free or greatly subsidized housing, free medical care, free education, family allowances that increase with each additional child (and Muslims have very large families), unemployment benefits even for those who have never held a job in Europe, and more. The colossal sums spent on Muslim economic migrants put a tremendous strain on the welfare systems of Europe. If there is no increase in the welfare budget, it is the native poor who will suffer. If instead more money is allocated by the government to welfare spending, it is the taxpayers who will suffer.

They — the Muslim migrants — have been responsible for soaring crime rates throughout Europe. Not content with what they receive from the state, many young Muslims males choose to “round out the month” by committing crimes of property – shoplifting, smash-and-grab, street robberies, house burglaries, car thefts. Young Muslim men have taken to drug trafficking and in some countries have taken over the drug trade over from the traditional gangs. In France, for example, Muslim drug traffickers have largely pushed out the Corsican gangs. Muslims are also responsible for a much larger percentage of crimes of violence – rapes, assaults, murders – than their numbers would suggest. In the U.K., Muslims are 4% of the population but 20% of the prison population. In France Muslims are 8% of the population, but 70% of the prison population. In Germany, Muslims are 7% of the population, but 23% of the prison population.

They — the Muslim migrants — have committed crimes of violence against Jews, including terrorist attacks, ranging from the grenades thrown into the Great Synagogue in Rome, to the attack on the kosher supermarket in Paris, to the murder of a rabbi and three small children just outside a Jewish school in Toulouse. Synagogues and Jewish schools throughout Europe have had to hire guards to supplement whatever security the state provides. In some cases the full expense of such security is borne by the Jewish community. Jews report high levels of fear, and of no longer feeling able to wear kippahs or necklaces with Stars of David when out in public.

They — the Muslim migrants — have caused European women to change their routines, so that they no longer go out alone in the evening. Fear of attacks by Muslims has taken over.

They have turned hundreds of neighborhoods in cities across Europe into No-Go areas, where non-Muslims fear to enter, and so do the police and firemen, The firemen need a police escort, and the police enter these No-Go areas only in numbers sufficient to repel attackers.

They have brought preachers of hate to Europe, who rant against the very Infidels in whose countries they are now living, and whose largesse keeps them afloat. These preachers, such as Anjem Choudary in the U.K., tell Muslims that they are right to help themselves to the property of the Infidels; they should think of that property as a kind of proleptic jizyah. Behind bars, Muslim prisoners have converted dimwitted Infidels to Islam; some of those who were converted, the real enthusiasts, went off to fight and die for ISIS.

They threaten the safety of those who dare to criticize or mock any aspect of Islam. Sometimes they murder those seen as “enemies of Islam.” Pim Fortuyn was murdered by the adddlepated environmental and animal rights activist Volkert Van der Graaf, who said he killed Fortuyn to stop him from exploiting Muslims as “scapegoats” and targeting “the weak members of society” in seeking political power. Van der Graaf had been encouraged by Muslim manipulators to rid the world of Fortuyn.. Theo van Gogh was stabbed to death by a Moroccan for his role in making “Submission,” a movie that was critical of the treatment of women in Islam. Twelve Charlie Hebdo cartoonists were murdered for publishing “blasphemous” cartoons of Muhammad. The French lycee teacher Samuel Paty was decapitated with a cleaver by a Muslim who had heard that Paty had shown a cartoon of Muhammad as part of his class on the right to free expression. All over Europe, millions are fearful of speaking or writing publicly anything critical of Islam; a handful of brave souls – the Dutch politician Geert Wilders stands out – have refused to be intimidated.

And the final effect of the Muslim invasion of Europe — for isn’t it an invasion? — has been the fear it has engendered in the Jews of Europe, leading to the steady exodus we now see. What will Europeans do without the fructifying cultural presence of Jews, without their contributions to literature, art, and music, to philosophy, history, and political science, to medicine and the law? For their absence will be filled by the presence of Muslims, whose cultural contributions are so small as to be scarcely discernible. By mid-century, those whom Oriana Fallaci in her fury called “the sons of Allah” will be striding across the continent of Europe as if they owned it; even now some are crowing about that not-too-distant future when “Europe will be ours.”

