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Rushdie stabber’s mother says he traveled to Middle East, returned angry he didn’t get strict Muslim upbringing



So many times we have seen jihadis turn out to be people who were unreligious, and then at some point in their lives became much more involved with Islam, and then turned to jihad. Authorities, however, remain resolutely incurious about the possibility that Islamic teaching just might have something to do with this turn to violence.

“Exclusive: Distraught mother of alleged Iranian sympathizer accused of trying to murder Salman Rushdie says her son returned home as religious zealot after a month-long trip to the Middle East and says he is ‘responsible for his actions,’” by Ben Ashford,, August 14, 2022:

The distraught mother of the alleged Iranian sympathizer accused of trying to murder Salman Rushdie revealed how her outgoing, American-raised son took a month-long trip to the Middle East – and came back a religious zealot….

Silvana, who is Lebanese and born Muslim, said she didn’t know if her son had ever read Rushdie’s book, but detected he had become more religious since his trip, adding that he would criticize her for not giving him a strict Muslim upbringing….

Matar was born in the US to Lebanese parents who emigrated from the southern border town of Yaroun, a stronghold of the Iranian-backed terror group Hezbollah.

He grew up and went to school in Cudahy, California, before his mom divorced his father Hassan Matar in 2004, her ex-husband returning to the Middle East while she moved to New Jersey for a fresh start.

It was on a trip to Lebanon in 2018 to visit his father that Hadi changed from a popular, loving son to a moody introvert, according to Silvana….

Silvana also detected that her son was becoming more religious and he would criticize her for not giving him a strict Muslim upbringing….

‘One time he argued with me asking why I encouraged him to get an education instead of focusing on religion. He was angry that I did not introduce him to Islam from a young age,’ Silvana added.

‘I’m Lebanese but I’ve been here for 26 years. I’m living a simple life as a single mom, trying to keep a roof over our heads and food on the table for my kids.

‘I don’t care about politics, I’m not religious. I was born a Muslim and that’s it basically. I didn’t push my kids into religion or force anything on my son. I don’t know anyone in Iran, all my family are here.’…

The current leader of Hezbollah is named Hassan Nasrallah while one of its most notorious commanders was called Imad Mughniyeh. It listed his address as an apartment in West New York, New Jersey, but the unit’s owner told she had never heard of either Matar or Mughniyeh….

Despite his growing zeal for Islam he never dressed any differently, leading Silvana to hope it was just a passing phase….

‘I feel sorry for Mr Rushdie. I hope he recovers but there’s nothing much I can say or do because this wasn’t my act.’

