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Denmark: Muslims threaten to behead ex-Muslim Islam critic, cops say it’s ‘not punishable’



You don’t expect the Danish police to do anything “Islamophobic,” do you?

“Muslims would chop off the head of a critic of Islam and hand it over in pig excrement: Danish police consider it ‘not punishable,’” translated from “Muslimer ville hugge hovedet af islamkritiker og aflevere det i svineafføring: Dansk politi vurderer det som »ikke strafbart«,” Kulturradikalisme Smadrer Danmark, March 17, 2023:

Mustafa Musse Sayegh is a critic of Islam and co-founder of “Foreningen Frafalden,” which consists of people who have left Islam. He says the following on Facebook:

“The police don’t think it was punishable, as Muslims, among other things, wanted my head chopped off and handed over in pig excrement. The police informed me of this in a letter today.

I am not surprised. Unfortunately, as an open ex-Muslim, I have long since realized that you are quite alone. But imagine if it was a white man who made threats against me. Yes, the hammer would have fallen. Never mind. I will continue undaunted.’

