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Austria: Muslims tear down Israeli flag, post video on TikTok to wide acclaim



Celebrate diversity! Although you will eventually realize that the diversity you’ve been celebrating is not all that tolerant or diverse in itself.

“Anti-Semitism in Vienna-Aspern: destruction of the Jewish flag becomes a TikTok hit,” translated from “Antisemitismus in Wien-Aspern: Zerstörung von jüdischer Flagge wird TikTok-Hit,” by Johanna Tschavoll, Exxpress, August 23, 2022 (thanks to Medforth):

In a TikTok video, the destruction of an Israeli flag in the Aspern district of Vienna is recorded with amusing background music. Shockingly, the reactions are almost exclusively positive. “Cool action,” “Free Palestine” and “Respect” can be read in the comments.

The TikTok video from “Aldin.98” shows two young people climbing a flagpole on the “Campus of Religions” in Vienna-Aspern. They tear together at an Israel flag until it is completely torn and destroyed.

The video is accompanied and commented on by happy music. “Just like Tarzan,” the creator of the video praises the two teenagers. The comments below are also quite positive. The two perpetrators are referred to as “lions” and “men of honor” in this video document of imported anti-Semitism.

The action on TikTok almost exclusively received praise and applause.
Mayor Ludwig: “Vienna is a city of peace”
Mayor Ludwig (SPÖ) commented on the events on Twitter. However, he has not yet been able to say from what direction or what motive the hatred of Israel comes from. “The act of vandalism that occurred on the construction site of the ‘Campus of Religions’ is intolerable for me. The responsible authorities have been informed and are investigating.” The Campus of Religions, which is to be built by 2023, “should stand for peaceful coexistence in the future and emphasize Vienna’s role as a city of peace.”

