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A year after conquering Afghanistan, the Taliban are no longer pretending to be ‘inclusive’



The Taliban has one mission in mind, and it isn’t to be “inclusive,” a favorite word of the Left, which really only includes anything that could be harmful to the interests of free societies. The Taliban played the word “inclusive” when their real goal is to impose Sharia in Afghanistan, and to expand its scope regionally and ultimately globally. That goal is no different from that of the Muslim Brotherhood, and more broadly, of mainstream Islam currently and historically; the only difference is that some pursue this goal more stealthily, while others are more crude.

Consider these headlines demonstrating just how “inclusive” the Taliban can be (there’s more HERE):

  • UNICEF ‘blindsided’ by Taliban reneging on its pledge to allow girls to be educated
  • Afghanistan: Taliban confirms public whippings as Sharia law returns in full
  • Taliban replaces Afghan flag with flag reading ‘There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is His prophet’
  • UN votes to keep on aiding the Taliban in Afghanistan
  • Afghanistan: Women ‘must cover up properly…even wear a blanket’
  • UN says Taliban have murdered over 100 ex-Afghan and international forces, contrary to promises of tolerance
  • Biden’s handlers moving toward recognition of Taliban regime in Afghanistan
  • The Taliban’s strictly Islamic Afghanistan is now the hardest place in the world to be a Christian
  • Taliban seeks greater role in distributing billions of funds from international aid 

America under Biden is a non-player internationally. Joe Biden abandoned Americans to be hunted down and murdered by Taliban brutes, and he left $7,000,000,000 of American military equipment for them. Imagine the damage that could be done with that equipment, and also imagine what $7,000,000,000 of taxpayer money could have done inside America, for Americans.

Iran, China and Russia are also coordinating on Joe Biden’s watch.

“A Year After Conquering Afghanistan, the Taliban Are Done Pretending to Be ‘Inclusive,’” by Frances Martel, Breitbart, August 14, 2022: 

When the Taliban jihadist organization returned to power in Afghanistan a year ago on Monday, its spokesmen promised one thing above all: the new and improved Taliban regime would be “inclusive.”

Taliban representatives who would go on to powerful offices in what is now the “Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan” could not stop using the word. Their ministerial cabinet would be “inclusive.” Their institutions would be “inclusive.” Their diplomatic stances on the larger world stage would reflect the alleged newfound “inclusivity” the Taliban learned from warring with America for 20 years.

Taliban jihadists never specified exactly how they defined the word, but much of the world — from the Chinese Foreign Ministry to the United Nations to Secretary of State Antony Blinken — publicly expressed hope that the new language expressed optimism and hope that two decades of war had somehow softened one of the world’s most extreme terrorist groups….

Arriving at its one-year anniversary in power, the Taliban has proven to be anything but “inclusive,” with the exception of making plenty of room for Sunni jihadist terrorist groups like al-Qaeda and the affiliated Haqqani Network in its halls of power. Taliban terrorists have in practice mostly outlawed journalism, banned girls and women from getting an education, done little to curb groups like the Islamic State, harbored high-profile al-Qaeda leaders, and aligned themselves internationally with some of the world’s most brutal repressive states, such as China and Russia.

Its Ministry for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, which replaced the former Afghan Women’s Ministry, regularly threatens and micromanages civilian lives…..

