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Why Did the Democrats All Stand and Applaud When Biden Said Something Incomprehensible?



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One of the strangest portions of the angry old man yelling at us Tuesday evening — that is, Old Joe Biden’s State of the Union address — was when the putative president, his beady little eyes gleaming with rage and hate, shouted, “Make no mistake! If you try anything to raise the cost of frisizhnjubs, I will veto it!” That’s how Benny Johnson of Newsmax renders it. PJM’s own Stephen Green has it this way: “If we kjhdgfjhargijbrgiarg, I WILL VETO IT!” Whether or not they understood what the senescent figurehead was actually saying, the assembled Democrats loved this, and they jumped on their feet to give Uncle Joe a rousing standing ovation. It was yet another indication of how much of a totalitarian lockstep the Democrats, who are increasingly open and up-front about their authoritarianism, have already adopted., as always playing the role of the man at the circus who follows behind the elephant with a dustpan, doesn’t give the slightest hint that anything was amiss. It gives us Old Joe saying: “Make no mistake, if you try anything to raise the cost of prescription drugs, I will veto it.” Then we’re told that there was “(Applause),” as if it were a perfectly reasonable moment in an utterly normal State of the Union speech. But it wasn’t, and not by a longshot.

While “prescription drugs” is a plausible thing for Biden to have said, and roughly corresponds to “frisizhnjubs,” there is no way that anyone watching the speech without a written copy of Old Joe’s remarks would have been able to divine that “prescription drugs” is what he said. Twitter was full of guesses: “Brazilian jobs.” “Fish and chips.” “Virginian jobs.” And so on. One Twitter user observed: “Not even the subtitles could translate.”

The assembled members of the House and Senate couldn’t have known what Biden really said, either. Yet when Kamala Harris leapt to her feet, applauding at the line, so did the Democrats in the chamber, cheering Old Joe as lustily as if anyone who didn’t applaud would end up in the gulag. That was what the bizarre scene resembled most closely: Soviet apparatchiks applauding the boss, not out of any genuine enthusiasm for what he said, but knowing that a lack of applause would be taken as a sign of disloyalty that could mean losing one’s job, or even imprisonment or death.

There is more. Read the rest here.

