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Why Red Meat Is Bad For Your Body



The effect of saturated fat is similar as it raises your cholesterol levels. Newer researches lead doctors to believe that red meat contains nutrients that, when broken down in your gut, produce trimethylamine-N-oxide. Red meat raises your chances of developing hardened arteries, heart attack, and stroke.

According to Healthline”, however, it’s also high in saturated fat, and some processed varieties may be high in sodium and preservatives, which can negatively affect health. Furthermore, several observational surveys link red meat consumption to higher risks of heart disease, certain cancers, type 2 diabetes, and death. Below is why red meat is bad for your body.

Many different surveys have suggested that eating red meat regularly can lead to a higher risk of heart disease. For years, experts have believed that the link between red meat consumption and heart disease is due to the saturated fat that is present in red meat.

They suggest that eating high amounts of saturated fat and any amount of trans fat can raise a person’s cholesterol levels and increase their risk of heart disease. They, therefore, recommend that people limit the amount of red meat they eat and encourage people to choose lean cuts of meat.

Tonybestie (

