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What blood type helps fight against malaria in the body



Blood type, blood group and the likes have to do with individual blood markers, some of them also have something to say about a person’s state of health or the kind of the things the person can comfortably ensure and the ones he or she can’t.

While it is true that blood type be it A, O etc have no direct effect on how healthy a person may be, there is a study that says that there are is a blood type that helps fight against malaria whenever it wants to come around or attack the body. So in this article in line with a publication on WebMD, we are going to be finding out the blood type that helps fight against malaria in the body. Just sit tight and enjoy this article while learning something new.

What Blood Type Helps Fight Against Malaria In The Body?

According to experts, type O blood has been proven to play a positive role towards warding off the malaria. You may get malaria when bitten extensively by mosquitoes but then with this blood type, it wouldn’t be an easy ride for the parasites being deposited by mosquitoes in the blood cells.

People with type O blood may not easily fall sick due to malaria infestation because the parasites that cause malaria often finds it hard attaching itself to blood type O cells. This doesn’t keep you immune to the disease but it reduces the risk.

Healthday (

