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How to prepare your daughter for her first period



How to prepare your daughter for her first period.

Are your a parent and your girl child has attained puberty? Any moment from now you know she will start seeing her period flow….it is important you educate her and teach her menstruation and menstrual hygiene….

This article will help you.?

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During puberty, nothing was more horrifying for me than having menstrual cramps.I was a moderate bloomer. My mum had a discussion with me before then so I knew what to expect.

She got me pads and bras.

My menstrual pains would come and go but I had classmates who would sometimes miss classes because of the pains they were having.

During menstruation some girls would be on medication to relieve the pains.

I experienced menstrual pains too and fought with acnes….oh acnes on my face were terrible.

It is important you prepare you teenage daughter for menstruation and educate them on menstrual hygiene

I tried alot of products, at a point, I stopped applying things on my face.

I felt comfortable talking with my mum about things like menstruation and my body in general because she made me feel free.

Now back to the main gist.

In many families, it’s up to mothers to set the tone for these types of conversations with their daughters.

Menstrual pain is very common among adolescents and women. This occurs when chemicals that form the lining of the uterus forces contractions. Sometimes it starts from ovulation.

I observed that there are some sanitary pads that gives me more cramps and pains.

At first, I didn’t notice until I bought another product one day and saw the difference.

From the moment I changed products,there were no more cramps.

It was a miracle.

Why allow your daughter or even yourself go through unnecessary pains when a change in product comes with rewards?

Anyway,if you want to know more about the product,send me a direct message.

Here are some helpful tips to prepare your daughter for her first period.

☄️Agree ahead of time how she can tell you when it starts.

☄️She may have a virginal discharge a few months before she has her first period and will have to wear a panty liners.

You can get supplies ahead of time so she is prepared.

If you don’t talk about things ahead of time,it may feel awkward whenf it’s time too and she may make mistakes.
Make it easy by allowing her communicate with you about anything and without making it a big deal.
☄️ Purchase quality products and let her know she can ask you for pads when she runs out of them.
You do not have to announce to family and friends that she has now “become a woman”!

☄️Assure her that it may take several months for her periods to become regular. Demonstrate how to keep monthly calendar so she’s not caught by surprise.

Which of these do you find helpful?

?To a successful Parent-child relationship.

©Ayo Jackson The Joylight

