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How to increase your chances for a healthy triplet pregnancy



Multiple births are more common now than ever before because to advances in fertility treatment. As a result, having triplets is no longer uncommon.

Multiple pregnancies are still considered dangerous by medical professionals. However, there are uncomplicated, easy ways for expecting mothers to maintain their health and comfort.

Here are some tips from healthline to help ensure a safe pregnancy with triplets.

Choose a side.

To begin, select a competent medical leader. For the next few months, they’ll be your closest companions.

Danbury, Connecticut obstetrician and gynecologist Dr. Dimitry Zilberman recommends biweekly doctor visits for women expecting triplets.

Your unborn children will experience this up until the 24-week mark. After that, you’ll need to see the doctor every week until you give birth.

Serving four?

To ensure that expecting mothers are getting adequate nutrition, doctors may provide megadoses of prenatal vitamins, more folic acid, or iron tablets.

Your level of physical activity will dictate the number of extra calories you’ll require. Multiple birth mothers may require up to 600 additional calories per day. However, your doctor may advise far less treatment, given your specific condition.

That’s what happened to Rupal Shah in 2010 while she was carrying triplets. Because of her acid reflux, she couldn’t eat very much. Her physicians advised her to eat everything she could manage.

She had a healthy pregnancy weight gain of 20 pounds. At 32 weeks, all of her babies were delivered healthy.

Pregnancy signs and symptoms

According to healthline Triplet pregnancies are more difficult for the mother in many ways. They are more likely to experience fatigue and the sensation of internal expansion earlier.

Mother of triplets and a 4-year-old girl Maria Damjan claims she could feel her uterus growing the day she found out she was expecting triplets.

She said that by week eight, she was in need of maternity wear. When she had her first child, she required them around three months later.

Ankle swelling is a common symptom of water retention in women.

“From the waist down, I was a big bowl,” Shah explains. For fear of excruciating pain, she recalls, she refused to let anyone touch her throughout the time of the swelling. She felt temporarily better after her shower.

Body fluid retention is common. However, it is also a symptom of preeclampsia, a potentially fatal illness. That’s why physicians keep a close eye on numerous pregnancies.

Pregnancy exercise

Women who are carrying triplets can continue with their normal activities, according to Zilberman, so long as they are comfortable.

It should be fine to exercise, but you should check with your doctor beforehand. Pregnancy belts are an optional accessory that some mothers-to-be find helpful. It’s possible that you’ll need to take a lot of rest breaks.

You should “listen to your body,” as Zilberman puts it. “Switch from running to biking or walking if the activity is too taxing on your body or if you find yourself getting out of breath easily.”

Laurena Liu, one of his patients, told him that she had to quit running since she was so far along in her pregnancy. She did, however, attend a spin class on the day she was admitted to the hospital. She suggests that ladies who are expecting triplets keep moving about as much as possible.

Her statement, “It helps to make the entire pregnancy comfortable and recovery faster,” says it all. However, moderation is key. I was really upset that I couldn’t run anymore, but I knew I had to put the needs of the infants above my own.

In bed with triplets

For the most part, Zilberman doesn’t advise bed rest for his patients. However, he acknowledges that it is a contentious issue among specialists in high-risk pregnancies.

Damjan’s doctor, out of an excess of caution, put her on bed rest at 20 weeks. Damjan said she was accustomed to doing out frequently because she is a “health nut.” However, at 47 years old, she had already experienced two miscarriages. There was no way she was going to take a chance.

She was hospitalized for three weeks after 15.5 weeks of bed rest. She was able to take two of her newborns home with her. The third one spent only a short time in the NICU.

Vashh (

