
A lot of people don’t know I neither smoke nor drink —Actor Olamilekan Ayinla spill

Though, he went through an Arabic school, Nollywood Actor, Olamilekan Ayinla has no formal education but has been able to carve a niche for himself in the movie industry. The movie producer, director and scriptwriter in this interview by FEMI OGUNTAYO, talks about his fast-rising career and some of his experiences.

Let’s start with your alias, 220. How and where did you get that name?

I got that name when I was at the Arabic school (Ile Keu), it was my exam number and before I knew it, people started calling me by that number – 220. Then, I told them I didn’t like it but because when they wanted to call us, they call us by our examination number, not by our name, that was how people started calling me by the number – 220. I later fell in love with the name – 220 and I adopted it as an alias.

Glory be to Allah. The journey wasn’t smooth at the beginning, I faced a lot of challenges, a lot happened to me, but with God, I was able to overcome. It is not that I have it all now, but once one has God, one has it all.

Can you tell us a little about these challenges?

They were the normal challenges faced by actors and producers in our industry. When I started, some people will tell producers or directors not to cast me, that I couldn’t play those roles, even when some people were already noticing me and knew I could play those roles, there were some antagonists that would say ‘don’t give him the role’ and all that. As a producer, I have produced a lot of movies and I haven’t even released them yet, because they didn’t meet up to the standard I wanted for them. I love doing something great but there is no money, no sponsor that can fund my projects. I hustle hard to produce my movies and I don’t want to engage in illegal activities to make money because I value my name. Another challenge is what we face in the hands of area boys. They ask you for money anytime they see you just because they see you in movies, unknown to them, even you, are still hustling to get that money but one just have to give them money, because they will never understand that you don’t have much too.

What is it about your look? Especially your beard, are you part of the ‘beard gang’? What is so special about the beard for you and why did you make it that long?

I am not part of the ‘Beard Gang’, though some of them have called me to come and join them but I haven’t because I have to be sure about them before moving closer to them, sorry to say. Then on my beard, I just love it. Whenever I have any work and it requires that I clear it, why not? I have done that before, on the set of the movie ‘Hatred’ directed by Seun Olaiya. He just called me that he needed me for just a scene and it will require that I clear my beard. Unknown to me, I would be playing a lead or sub-lead role in the movie, I just loved it.

You are also a scriptwriter, where do you get your inspiration from?

I cannot say really. I am a deep thinker and I bring great things out of my deep thinking. Once I pick up my pen, I just keep writing, it will just be coming. I like walking around to get my inspiration too and I also like exploring. The thing is, I didn’t go to any school, not even primary school. No one can say he or she taught me how to read or write a script or anything. Allah taught me everything; I get my inspiration from Him.

Because of the kind of roles you play in movies – the bad boy roles, don’t you get some awkward moments when people take on you in real life for the roles you play in the movies?

(Laughs) it happens a lot. A lot of people always believe I am a bad boy, I can kill, I can destroy and all that, but I am not like that, I am a gentle guy to the full. There was an experience I would like to share. I once followed a friend – a lady, to see a man who wanted to fund her project and when the man saw me, the man just said, ‘no no no, I cannot do business with this man’. This man wanted to give this lady about five million naira to fund her project and I was to package the movie for her. The man said he wasn’t going to give the lady the money because he ‘cannot do business with this smoker. This guy is a bad guy; I have watched a lot of his movies’. The lady had to tell the man that I wasn’t that kind of person in real life but the man refused. I had to excuse them that day and told the lady I would wait for her in the car. You can imagine, the man said that just because of the roles he saw me play in movies. I thank God today, I now take up more decent roles and I can play all roles. People need to understand that as actors, we can play any role and that does not necessarily mean that is who we are in real life.

Putting the record straight, who is Olamilekan Ayinla in real life? Do you smoke or drink?

Olamilekan Ayinla is a cool guy, a religious guy and I don’t smoke or drink, I am just natural.

On not attending any school, have you ever regretted not having a formal education? Are there plans by you to one day go for your formal education?


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