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Islamic Jihad News

Qatar Doesn’t Respect America. Why Should We Respect It?



Muslim Brotherhood groups, backed by Qatar, have made common cause with the worst wokes.

Like a dog catching a car, Qatar got the World Cup only to finally remind everyone that it’s an Islamist tyranny where there’s no beer and any dissent from Islamic theocracy is swiftly punished.

MSNBC personalities and some “conservative” influencers pulled the, “It’s their country” card.

Qatar is a slave state dominated by a small number of oil tribesmen who are allowed to back the Muslim Brotherhood, the Taliban and assorted other Jihadis under U.S. military protection.

Meanwhile, Qatar’s Al Jazeera is one of the loudest exponents of wokeness in America. It regularly pushes identity politics of the most toxic kind, even though it’s at odds with its own Islamic beliefs, simply because it undermines America.

Muslim Brotherhood groups, backed by Qatar, have made common cause with the worst wokes and movements in the United States.

If Qatar wants us to respect its right to manage its own affairs, then it can get the hell out of ours. Since there’s no chance of that happening, we have every right to tear into the Islamic terror tyranny over its corruption and hypocrisy. Anyone who doesn’t understand that simply isn’t aware of what Qatar is doing to us in our own country. And may want to learn about the Muslim Brotherhood.

