
Sky B is struggling, doesn’t have phone – Lucky Udu seeks help for ‘Ma Bebe’ crooner

Nigerian content creator and activist, Lucky David Udu has revealed the current pitiable state of once reigning musician, Sky B.

The Port Harcourt-based singer was popular in mid 2000s for his hit song, ‘Ma Bebe’, which dominated radio and TV stations.

However, in a video posted on Instagram, Lucky revealed that Sky B is now struggling with life and cannot even afford a mobile phone.

Content creator, Lucky Udu seeks help for struggling singer Sky B

According to him, Sky B was signed by a record label when he broke into a limelight, but they dumped him and till date he does not receive royalties for any of his songs.

Udu asked Nigerians to come to the aid of the rapper as he is barely able to feed himself and his five kids as they live in a self contain apartment.

Udu wrote: “How many of you remember this musician? Wait till you hear the reason he sang those songs, I almost cried. He lost the love of his life actually.

Sky B doesn’t have access to his songs anymore. He went viral and a record label signed him and later abandoned him. He has never received any royalties from his music.

The world left him behind, he has five kids now and they all stay in a self contained apartment (one room, kitchen and toilet). Life is really difficult for him right now and he’s asking God to help him get a talent manager or a feature from any artist to bring him back. He has lots of songs (interesting ones actually). Interview drops tomorrow morning.

Pls let’s share and help him bounce back. He doesn’t have a phone and has not been on the internet. I’m getting him a phone today and I’ll tag him in the next video. Honestly people are going through hell. I’m still committed to traveling the states of Nigeria telling the stories of underrepresented people, people who are doing impressive things but are going unnoticed, talented people and inspiring story.

Just got him the phone (169k) In a couple of minutes, I’ll tag his social media accounts. They’re trying to retrieve it for him. Apparently I left Port Hacourt to Lagos this morning after filming him. I have another story to cover here.”

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