
Mandy Kiss returns to runsgirl lifestyle, advises single ladies to date married men (Video)

Nigerian born-again influencer, Ayomiposi Oluwadahunsi Adefolarin, popularly known as Mandy Kiss has apparently made a U-turn to the life of a slay queen.

She caused a buzz on the internet last year when she announced that she was quitting executive escort services commonly called ‘hookup’ and subsequently went into gospel music.

Mandy Kiss returns to runsgirl lifestyle, advises single ladies to date married men

But in a fresh video circulating online, Mandy Kiss advised single ladies to date married men, particularly the mature and private ones.

According to her, if a man who is married shows interest in a girl, she should agree and get what she can from him because that will not stop life from happening to her.

Mandy Kiss said if a woman decides not to have an affair with someone’s husband it does not guarantee that a lady won’t date with her own partner when she gets married.

Watch her speak:

Meanwhile, in other news…

CorrectNG recalls that last September, Mandy Kiss lamented in an interview on The Honest Bunch Podcast about her struggle with finding true love.

The controversial slay queen said men who show interest in having a serious relationship with her often break up with her after sleeping with her.

Mandy said; “It has not been easy for me [as regards finding true love]. I have suffered a lot. I just want happiness. I just want someone who will love me. But with my money and body, I’m still getting dumped.

“They [suitors] will come and I will think I have found true love. They will call me always, we will talk at night. But once they sleep with me, they leave”.


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