
Lady destroys boyfriend’s expensive car after quarrelling (Video)

A furious girlfriend has been captured on tape destroying her man’s expensive car over an undisclosed issue between them.

She stormed his house to confront him but her knocks on the gate, he refused to come out and open it for his woman.

A video making the rounds online shows her banging on the gate several times and having a futile attempt to break into it.

It was gathered that the incident happened after a disagreement. When she got tired, she just walked towards the car pack and started hitting the back windshield of his SUV.

Watch the video below:

A 25-year-old Nigerian lady has opened up on how she served as a support system for her boyfriend only for him to pay her back by first cheating and humiliating her.

Nancy said they dated for four years and in 2021 he got into an accident that left him hospitalised for 10 months.

In her words; I’ve been dating this guy for 4yrs (or so I thought), he got to an accident 2021 & was hospitalised for 10months till he can be treated at home. I left my job and took an Office Assistant job near the hospital so I could be near him since both his parents are dead and his sister is married.

It took him 8 months to be able to walk on his own, so fast forward, I got a high paying job & I took it coz I have a life to live also and I’ve got siblings and bills so I wasn’t around much after being a caregiver for over a year and thank God he’s able to do stuffs himself. 2 days ago was his refill for medication so I went to deliver it before going home, got there, knocked but the door was locked which is normal, went through the kitchen door and it wasn’t, got in he has a visitor so I waited till they are done.


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