
How a top actor’s delay of movie shoot made me determined to ‘blow’ – Nollywood star, Uzor Arukwe

Nigerian actor, Uzor Arukwe has recounted an experience during his early days in the movie industry that made him vow to himself that he will become successful.

He said he was cast for a minor role and the call time was 9am but he arrived at the venue for the shoot by 8am, however, the lead actor did not show up until 1 pm.

According to Arukwe, he waited endlessly for food, but he was not served any and surprisingly the lead actor who came late got food immediately.

Uzor Arukwe blow

He said that he had to leave around 11pm even his scene had not been shot and the production manager was shouting at him for leaving before time.

The Nollywood star said his pay for the role was N10,000 and he went from Lagos Island to FESTAC for the shoot with the last money on him.

His story was in response to a media executive that asked; “As a newbie actor or film crew in Nollywood, quote this tweet with the weirdest experience you had on a movie set that made you think “You must blow by fire by force” ????”

Arukwe wrote; “Call time was 9am. I got to set at 8am & they didn’t set up until 11am. The lead actor kept everyone waiting & didn’t get on set until 1pm. I waited all through with no food but the lead actor that came in after me got food immediately. I left around 11pm & still didn’t shoot.

The PM called me the next day asking me what rights I had to leave the set when they hadn’t shot my scene. The painful part was that I went from Island to Festac for the shoot with practically my last cash & the pay was 10k. O boy, eyes don see, but we thank God for grace.”


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