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6 best foods women should eat during pregnancy



When pregnant, expecting mothers need to eat healthy and nutritious meals to support the development of their baby, and also to support their health.

As such, pregnant women need to eat food rich in protein, calcium, minerals, fibre, and some other essential nutrients that will keep them healthy.

This article, according to Healthline, will reveal 6 types of healthy foods that are suitable and essential to a pregnant woman and her developing fetus.

1 . Legumes

Legumes are a known source of protein, fibre, calcium, iron, and folate, which are all essential nutrients your body requires during pregnancy. foods such as beans, soybeans, groundnuts, or peanuts are legumes and they are essential for a pregnant woman.

2 . Eggs

Eggs are said to contain bits of almost all the nutrients known; vitamins, protein, fats, calories, and assorted minerals. Choline is a vital nutrient needed during pregnancy, and eating eggs is a great source of obtaining it.

Also, eating eggs is important to the development of a baby’s brain, and it fights off abnormal development of the spine and brain of a growing fetus.

3 . Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes are not only sweet but highly nutritious too. Sweet potatoes are rich in beta carotene, which is a plant-based component that is convertible to vitamin A inside the body.

Vitamin is very essential to the development of a baby, however, an animal-based source of vitamin A, when taken excessively can cause a high amount of toxicity during pregnancy.

Sweet potatoes also have Fiber, which helps you to be full for a longer period without getting so hungry, it also reduces blood sugar levels and aids in digestive health.

4 . Water

Water is quite essential for every living thing; humans, plants, or animals. It is said that during pregnancy, the blood volume of a pregnant woman increases by 45 per cent, and this could lead to dehydration.

Pregnant woman should increase their water intake to avoid suffering dehydration, They are advised to drink up to 2 to 3 litres of water every day, for the health benefit of themselves and their baby.

5 . Whole grain and Dairy products

This class of food is rich in fibre and nutrients which include iron, folic acid, magnesium, and so on. Pregnant women should eat grains like oats, brown rice, white rice, pasta, etc., to get these nutrients.

Also, dairy products such as yogurt which contains a good volume of calcium are good for pregnant women, and it also contains probiotic bacteria that help fight indigestion and other ailments.

6: Fruits

Eating fruits is quite essential during pregnancy. Fruits are packed with various types of nutrients which are important to pregnant women and their unborn children. It is advised that pregnant women should eat fruits to obtain nutrients such as minerals and vitamins.

Kululu (

