
So long as they’re scamming foreigners – Prophet endorses yahoo boys (Video)

A famous social media prophet based in Anambra state, has publicly endorsed internet fraudsters commonly known as Yahoo Boys, saying they are not doing anything wrong.

In a video which surfaced on the internet, he noted that he is in support of yahoo boys to continue engaging in fraud so far as their victims are foreigners.

The cleric, who was speaking in Igbo, argued that they are only doing their normal work just as a lawyer would do court and business owners do at their establishments.

His comment sparked controversy on social media as netizens wondered why he should be preaching such message and promoting illegality.

Watch the video below:

@B127AutobotsOnU; He is not a pastor… don’t choose priest for God, God knows his priests

@ihe69; This mentality is the reason for all the atrocities in Igboland. Tufiakwa

@ChibuzoChizech; Funny how even educated boys go to this clown who call himself native doctor expecting power to defraud people on line.

@chude__; This guy is one of the problem we have in the South East.

When I say there are a lot of scammers deceiving our youths in the name of “going back to their root”, the foool is one of them.

@YouthspireNG; I wonder what kind of man of God you are? You really need to study the Holy book properly because I know without a doubt that God does not in any way endorse any form of evil no matter the situation or circumstances.

You are seriously giving the people of the east a bad name and it is totally unacceptable. Is this level we have found ourselves now ???? Gosh, God have mercy ????