
Pardon Me, I’ll Use My Platform To Preach Against Misuse of Naira – #Bobrisky

Pardon Me, I’ll Use My Platform To Preach Against Misuse of Naira#Bobrisky—Idris Okuneye popularly know as Bobrisky has promised to use his platform to preach against misuse or spraying of naira notes.

Bobrisky gave this commitment after the Federal High Court in Lagos convicted him for misusing money after admitting to the offense filed by Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC)

The influencer humbly requested the court for an opportunity to make amends and pledged to utilize his platform to inform the public about financial responsibility.

His words: “I know, My Lord. My Lord, I wish that you could give me a second chance to use my platform to inform and educate my followers about spraying money.

“I would do a video on my page and I will educate people about spraying money. I will not repeat it again. I regret my actions.”

EFCC however dropped money laundering case in count 5 and 6 of the charges.


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