
April Fools: Tender apology within 48 hours – Davido threatens Kenya’s K24 TV

Nigerian music star, David “Davido” Adeleke, has threatened to take legal action against Kenya’s Mediamax’s K24 TV over a report of him getting arrested in Uganda.

The DMW boss, through his lawyers, issued a 48-hour ultimatum to the TV station, demanding an unequivocal apology, acknowledgment of defamation, and proper compensation for his legal expenses.

This was contained in a pre-suit letter, in which the singer served Kenya’s K24 TV over a Fool’s Day report with headline “Davido detained at JKIA after Sh18 million cocaine haul found in his private jet.”

Tender apology within 48 hours - Davido threatens Kenya’s K24 TV

In a notice by Conrad Law Advocates on Wednesday, Davido faulted the publication, and stated that failure to comply with his demands will result in legal action.

The singer’s lawyers stated in part; “The statements found in your article are blatantly false and published with the express intent of disparaging our client”.

“Your statements are false and affect our client’s professional reputation by falsely stating that Davido was arrested for drug-related offenses”.

The firm asked Mediamax’s K24 TV to cease publication of defaming statements towards him, offer an apology, admit liability for defaming the singer, and compensate him for his attorney fees and costs.

The notice surfaced hours after Davido responded to the cocaine allegations in a statement on his social media platforms, defending himself as a law-abiding individual.


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