Tribute To My Friend, CP Abiodun Alamutu, On His Retirement Today..By CP Tunji Disu
Today, as we celebrate the remarkable retirement of CP Abiodun Alamutu, I reflect on the incredible journey we began together. Our paths first crossed at Lagos State University, but it was at the Police Academy Annex in Kaduna in 1992 that our bond truly deepened. We were both assigned to Squad D; I was in Room 8, directly opposite him in Room 7. He certainly disturbed my life with Fela music, which he played nonstop! 😂
From the start, our friendship flourished. I remember when he asked me to help him save his allowance, insisting I shouldn’t give it back until the month ended. When he started asking for it before the end of the month, it led to a showdown as I refused to give it to him until the end of the month! 😂 That was the first and last time he entrusted me with his money.
Biodun’s handwriting is a work of art; I still recall his outstanding report during our leadership training at Shere Hills in Jos—the school’s report on him was undoubtedly the best. Beyond his talents, he has always been a strict and wonderful police officer, embodying integrity and dedication. Biodun, I congratulate you for surviving this dangerous profession, where every day carries uncertainty and no officer is guaranteed to return home safely.
Throughout the years, you have been a steadfast friend. During my lowest moments, you believed in me and stood by my side. Whenever we attended a course, we always ensured our rooms were side by side, sharing challenges, triumphs, and fun. 🙏🏾🙏🏾
Whenever I pleased him, he would smile and say, “Aladio obe ni e,” meaning “you are a good soup.” But when I frustrated him, he would affectionately call me “Omo Inume.” His playful spirit is part of what makes him so special.
He is the only “Senator” in the Nigeria Police, and his rapport with my wife is a joy; she calls him “Senatorrr.” However, whenever they fought, she would switch to calling him “local government chairman,” and this really gets to him! 😂
While we may seem distant on the surface, our connection runs deep, allowing us to discuss life’s most crucial matters.
As we bid you farewell, dear friend, I wish you a retirement filled with joy and new adventures. You’ve earned every moment of it.
CP Abiodun Alamutu (rtd), my dear friend and coursemate, I say, “Obe ni e, Paddy mi!”
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