
Outgoing MD Ambrose Somide Congratulates Raypower FM @ 30



On this September 1,2024 i write to congratulate you dear colleagues on the 30th Anniversary of Raypower, Nigeria’s first privately owned radio station. 

No doubts the last 3 decades have been filled with ‘moments’ of joy, happiness, pleasant and the not so pleasant but through it all and in it all we are grateful to God for the grace to get to this point. 

In thirty years we changed the broadcast landscape, redefined the art, brought glamour and panache to the business. 

We blazed the trails and successfully navigated the uncharted territory that gave others the courage to venture into private ownership of radio broadcasting. 

All of these were  not without the sacrifices and painstaking efforts of the team led by our late indefatigable leader and founder High Chief Anthony Aleogho Dokpesi, OFR, Phd Ezomo Wheppa wheno. A Courageous Fighter who defied all odds from the beginning of the journey over thirty years ago till he breathed his last. 

As we mark this anniversary we remember his sacrifices and pray for the repose of his soul. May perpetual light continue to shine on him. 

We also pay tributes to all our fallen colleagues who were part of the historic journey of Raypower. 

May they continue to rest in peace. Amen. 

Let me also say a big thank you to the Nigerian people for their support and love and for allowing us share our experiences with them. 

Thank you for being part of this journey. 

To our families, thank you for the sacrifices and support. 

Thank you for allowing us to give our best to the vocation that we love. 

Dear colleagues, though we live in the most difficult and challenging times that have seen the broadcast industry almost collapsing, our resolve should be to continue to keep this legacy alive and the culture of excellence growing. 

We must do our best at all times, no matter the circumstances or challenges. Let us move together in love and embrace the sense of comradeship that gave us the power to go through the toughest times in the last three decades. 

This is what we owe ourselves and the great Ezomo. 

For some of us who were part of the process from 1993/1994, i congratulate you most warmly. It is not a mean achievement. 

For those who gave their all through this journey, your services,sacrifices and dedications will never be forgotten.  

Walk like Kings and Queens. Raise your shoulders high. Celebrate your accomplishments. You have all done well. Do yanga. Be proud. 

To Raypower FM. Nigeria and the world celebrate you. Thank you for raising the bar. Thank you defying the odds. Thank you for the democracy that we enjoy. Thank for the stars you helped in raising and moulding. Thank you for the joy you brought to the different homes. Thank and thank you. 


Many happy years ahead. 

Thank you 

Aare Ambrose Olutayo Somide 

Outgoing Managing Director 

Radio Services 

Daar Communications Plc

September 1, 2024


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