On Friday, renowned filmmaker Bolanle Austen-Peters unveiled her new venture, BAP Film Village, located in the Epe area of Lagos. The 55-year-old director and producer shared the news on social media, revealing that the sprawling film village spans over 10,000 acres.
In her announcement, Bolanle disclosed that her epic movie, House of Ga’a, was shot at this newly developed location. A video accompanying her post showed the extensive development of the site, specifically designed to cater to the needs of moviemaking.
The BAP Film Village is now open for business, offering its facilities to filmmakers and as a destination for excursions. “So many have asked where we shot House of Ga’a,” Bolanle wrote. “This is it! BAP Productions Film Village in Epe. Over 10,000 acres of land, rolling hills, huts, and other facilities. Open for biz to filmmakers and excursions.”
With the launch of BAP Film Village, Bolanle Austen-Peters joins the ranks of elite Nigerian filmmakers like Kunle Afolayan and Ibrahim Chatta, who also own film villages. Kunle Afolayan’s KAP Film Village Studio and Resort is located in Igbojaye, Oyo State, and serves as the location for the Anikulapo series.
Similarly, Ibrahim Chatta’s film village is also situated in Oyo State. Chatta, who stars as Sasa, the notorious black magic master in Bolanle’s House of Ga’a, has reportedly invested about ₦1.4 billion into the construction of his film village.
BAP Film Village is expected to become a hub for Nollywood productions, further cementing Bolanle Austen-Peters’ status as a trailblazer in the Nigerian film industry.
Seunmanuel Faleye is a brand and communications strategist. He is a covert writer and an overt creative head. He publishes Apple’s Bite International Magazine.
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